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Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism

The Group is fully compliant with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) laws and regulations set by the Central Bank of Kuwait, Central Bank of the UAE, Central Bank of Egypt, Dubai Financial Service Authority, Capital Markets Authority Kuwait and FATF recommendations and other regulatory bodies applicable in each country.

The Group AML & CFT & Sanctions Policy is applicable across the Group and the AML & CFT Division is a dedicated and independent division that reports directly to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Division presents periodic AML & CFT reports to the Board of Directors and its relevant committees covering all AML & CFT activities. Any suspicious financial activities are reported to the Kuwait Financial Intelligence Unit and other relevant authorities in each jurisdiction. The Group’s Internal Audit Division, Risk Management Division, and External Auditors also assess the adequacy of the AML & CFT program to ensure it is current and robust. The Group regularly provides specialized AML & CFT training programs to staff, Executive Management and the Board of Directors to keep them up to date on measures and regulations regarding AML & CFT & Sanctions.