ATM Cards
These are also known as debit cards and are associated with the customer's bank account. Therefore, utilization thereof entails a debit on the customer by the value of the amount available in his/her related bank account.
Let's Be Aware
Banking Cards
Different types of cards come with their own unique features, privileges, facilities, and uses.
The types of banking cards are:
These are also known as debit cards and are associated with the customer's bank account. Therefore, utilization thereof entails a debit on the customer by the value of the amount available in his/her related bank account.
Prepaid cards are tied to a front-loaded cash amount, and the customer can use this card to spend up to that amount. By using this type of cards, the customer can control his/her spending and avoid debt. It is recommended not to load a large amount on this card to avoid hacking.
These are cards that allow customers to buy goods/services online, pay through POSs, and withdraw cash from ATMs inside and outside Kuwait on credit (i.e. a debt on the customer to be repaid in installments).
Credit Card Tips
Guide to Credit Cards
Click hereGuide to Sharia Compliant Credit Cards
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