Length of IBAN
The fixed length of IBAN in the State of Kuwait is 30 characters
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IBAN Validator
Correct! the IBAN you entered is correct
IBAN entered is not correct
Note: This validation only shows the correct IBAN syntax and not the existance of the account.
IBAN entered is not correct
IBAN: {( generated_iban )}
Note: This generator is only for ABK customers and only shows the correct IBAN and not the existance of the account.
Length of IBAN
The fixed length of IBAN in the State of Kuwait is 30 characters
Country Code
The "Country Code" enables recognition of the country in which the IBAN was issued
Check Digits
The "Check Digits" are used to perform the mathematical validation of the IBAN
Bank Code
The "Bank Code" identifies the bank where the account is maintained
Basic Account Number
The "Basic Account Number" is the existing bank account number proceded by zeros, to achieve the required length for the account number
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