Get a period of time to review the loan contract
You will be provided with an unsigned copy of the loan contract to review for a minimum of two working days. You will not be subjected to any obligations during the review period.
ABK would like to ensure you are well-informed about your basic loan rights.
Get a period of time to review the loan contract
You will be provided with an unsigned copy of the loan contract to review for a minimum of two working days. You will not be subjected to any obligations during the review period.
Get a detailed schedule
This schedule clarifies the loan amount and installments including interest rate, loan amount to be paid, total value of the interest rate, and loan period
Request the rearrangement of the conditions on the loan contract
Customers may request for the modification of the loan term as well as the value of the monthly installment at any time during the loan period.
Request to avail a new loan
You can avail the same type of loan (consumer/housing) provided you have paid 30% of your installments.
Transfer your loan to another bank
This is possible in accordance with applicable terms & conditions.
ABK Terms & Conditions
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