Let's Be Aware

Services for Special Needs Customers

The banking sector is aware of the particular needs of people with special needs and keen to accommodate to them by providing special financial and banking products and services. To this end, The Central Bank of Kuwait issued instructions regarding the services that banks provide to special needs people. The said instructions include a set of principles and practices that enable the special needs customers access to the banking services by providing the necessary means that facilitate banking for them:

  • There should be a dedicated branch in each governorate with customized facilities to provide banking services to special needs people in addition to its normal operations.
  • There should be reserved parking spaces, wheelchair access (ramps), and elevators for easy entry/exit and use of ATMs and other facilities, in addition to a number of wheelchairs in each branch.
  • The branch that provides banking services for special needs people should have at least one ATM that should be accessible by wheelchair users, and have easily accessible private glass chamber to ensure privacy and earphones.
  • The bank should provide all the information related to the services including the customer’s rights and obligations in a way appropriate to the customer’s physical condition. Therefore, each branch should have a dedicated well-trained employee to serve special needs customers in sign language. The branch should have Braille printing facilities for account opening, contracts and the other transaction forms.
  • The branch should provide easily accessible safe deposit boxes upon request.
  • The bank's website has voice guidance service to help the customer access the online banking services.
  • Special needs customers should be provided with the same services provided to the others including credit/financing facilities, without any additional burdens, e.g. interests/returns, fees, charges, etc.
  • Central Bank of Kuwait instructions regarding banking services provided by Kuwaiti banks to people with special needs

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