The Right to be Treated Fairly
You are entitled to be treated with courtesy, fairly and equally.
A licensed financial institution regulated by the Central Bank of the UAE
Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait - UAE Branches
The Central Bank of UAE announced the issuance of the ‘Consumer Protection Regulation’ (Circular No. 8/2020) which is the foundation of its new Financial Consumer Protection Regulatory Framework. The Regulation sets forth a number of high-level objectives intended to ensure protection of consumers’ interests in their use of financial products and/or services and in their relationship with Licensed Financial Institutions.
The 'Consumer Protection Regulation' encompasses a set of high-level objectives aimed at promoting and maintaining a secure environment for consumers. The main purpose is to ensure that consumers are well-protected and their rights are respected throughout their engagement with financial institutions. This framework seeks to enhance transparency, fairness, and accountability within the financial sector.
By implementing this regulation, the CBUAE is reinforcing its commitment to fostering a thriving and trustworthy financial ecosystem for all individuals and businesses in the UAE.
Click the below links to watch videos on how to protect yourselves from potential fraud:
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As a financial institution licensed by the Central Bank of UAE, we aim to comply with the requisites of the regulation thus ensuring that you as our valuable customer will have:
The Right to be Treated Fairly
You are entitled to be treated with courtesy, fairly and equally.
The Right to Know
You have the right to know the correct information about products and services which you are seeking. ABK has made every effort to ensure that you understand our products and services, and we are providing Key Facts Statements, which you have the right to read and review, allowing you to make an informed decision. ABK Customer Service Representative, will assist you with any queries you may have.
The Right to Choose
You have the right to choose products and services that most suit your needs, from the available market and competitive options.
The Right to Privacy
ABK collects, holds, discloses and/or otherwise several types of data of customers and ABK has internal controls to ensure Customer Confidentiality.
The Right to be Heard
You have a right to contact ABK, and raise an official complaint, if you believe that the bank has made and error, and not corrected/resolved in a satisfactory manner.